Order to improve the quality of human resources, Universitas Brawijaya Postgraduate Program seeks to provide scholarships to students who excelent in academics. It is also useful to achieve the goals of the scholarship program, namely:
- Provide research funding assistance for Doctoral Program students whose research substance can make a direct contribution to the advancement of science and technology and development. Provide higher opportunities to improve the quality and competence of doctoral graduates.
- Doctoral program students who receive this research grant can complete their studies on time and as planned.
- Preparing Indonesian lecturers who are qualified and have international competitiveness by providing opportunities for postgraduate students (S3) at PPSUB to experience the international education system abroad for themselves
- Universitas Brawijaya Postgraduate Managed Scholarships:
1. Scholarship from Local Government
2. Scholarships from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
3. Scholarships from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
4. Scholarships from the Ministry of Finance: Scholarships from the Ministry of Finance through the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) There are 3 types of Indonesian Education Scholarships (BPI) Scholarships: 1. Domestic Indonesian Lecturer Excellence Scholarship (BUDI-DN) 2. Indonesian Lecturer Excellence Scholarship Overseas (BUDI-LN) 3. Education Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Programs (Non Lecturers)- Scholarships from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Educations (Kemenristek DIKTI): Scholarships from Kemenristek Dikti (there are 7 types) 1. Domestic Postgraduate Program Scholarships (BPPDN) 2. Overseas Postgraduate Program Scholarships (BPPLN) 3. Affirmation BPPDN Scholarships 4. Masters Scholarships for Doctoral Programs for Excellent Undergraduates ( PMDSU) 5. Outstanding Student Scholarship (PASTI) 6. International Publication Quality Improvement Scholarship (PKPI/Sandwich-like) 7. Doctoral Grant Scholarship (Managed by LPM of each University)
DPMS FMUB refers to information on postgraduate scholarships from Brawijaya University, where the information will be accessible through the Website informasi beasiswa | Search Results | Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya (ub.ac.id) and the information will be forwarded through the Academic FKUB either by letter and the Academic Scholarship Group which will then be informed through the PSDIK FKUB Website
For LPDP can be accessed at https://beasiswa.kemdikbud.go.id/informasi For International officce UB can be accessed at https://io.ub.ac.id/knb-scholarship/ Many DPMS FMUB students have received scholarships from LPDP, PMDSU, BPPDN and many others. The following is information on scholarship recipients: